SPARK | Rights Clearances & Music Searches
Spark Marketing Entertainment is an independent and international music and entertainment consultancy providing tailor-made one-stop solutions for its clients.
Spark Marketing Entertainment, Spark-me, Celebrity endorsement, Music consultancy, testimonials, Synchronisation licensing, music licensing, Music search, rights clearances, sync, sync licensing, speaker bookings, Spark
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Rights Clearances
& Music Searches

Spark is your one-stop solution for all your music rights clearances.

Did you know that you need to clear the recording/master rights, music publishing and in the majority of cases register your ads with the copyright societies?

With our extensive network in the entertainment industry and insider contacts, Spark offers you an expert and competent service, accessing a vast array of international music artists, labels and record companies.

More importantly we are totally independent and can offer you unbiased advice unlike the major record labels, music publishers and many sync agencies that can only draw repertoire from their own catalogues. On top of that we will negotiate the best possible licensing fee for you and save you money, negotiating all licensing agreements in your best interest. As Spark deals with many music rights clearances on behalf of several big brands we can achieve higher leverage with rights owners.

If required we can also handle all aspects of dealing with copyright societies for the broadcast of TV ads, registering websites, obtaining the best tariff for on-hold music for your phone lines and more.

We offer a quickcheck service on the feasibility of licensing a specific song within a certain budget. This is especially crucial for pitch situations as it confirms if a music choice would realistically be available for an ad or not.

Spark is also able to source copyright-free music for you.

Creative Music Searches

If you give us a briefing, which might include a storyboard, information on the demographic you want to reach, songs that you like, key words that should be in the song and your music budget, we will find you the most suitable music for your campaign.

Within an agreed timeframe we will present you with a wide selection of music within your budget. As part of our service we will cut all music suggestions to your video so you can see as well as hear how the music would work with your footage.

From previously unreleased music to the biggest hits and rarest grooves, we access the entire music industry catalogue. If it’s pop, rock, current EDM, world music, singer/songwriter, instrumentals – you name it, we know it, we find and clear the perfect music for you.

Please email us at [email protected] or contact any of our Spark team members to obtain a password for our secure download section, where you can access all our briefing questionnaires, forms and useful information for your projects.